Esterbrook Radio Pens Deluxe Brochure, ca. late 1920s – early 1930s. Printed in USA. This small brochure measures 3.5 x 6 inches. Printed in burgundy tones on all panels. Front cover features an Esterbrook Radio Pen and notes that Esterbrook is in Camden, NJ and New York, NY. The inside two panel spread shows 12 different Esterbrook Radio nibs and lists four reasons to use them along with their attributes, such as “Steel as fine as a watch spring and Plus finest workmanship. Also noting that these are “The Pen with the Velvet Touch”. The back panel talks of the Radio Pens including : “Steel from purest ore”, “Special electro-plating to resist the corrosive action of the ink” and “superiority that is difficult to describe”. Unfortunately, there are many folds in this small brochure, Fortunately, there are no tears. These types of vintage brochures, now over 80 years old get harder to find with each passing year. (1 avail)